SONODA Takahiro's CDs
J.S.Bach Invention and Sinfonia |
Invention and Sinfonia is an essential learning text for piano students and this second recording by Sonoda became an essential CD for those who love the beauty of BachチT counterpoint.
Debussy Preludes 1, 2 |
Preludes 1 by Debussy was recorded in 1980 at a chapel in Hagi, using Kawai piano and Preludes 2 is a live recording of a recital at Toshi-Center Hall (using Steinway) .Suave touch learned from M.Long and brilliant technique is an splendid example showing the way to play Debussy.
Takahiro Sonoda Young Years 1 |
Collection of SonodaチT performance recorded in Germany. RakhmaninovチT concerto No.3 as an example, we can hear Sonoda as a virtuosic pianist. Etudes by Stravinsky are the highlight of this disc.
ラフマニノフピアノ協奏曲3番・ストラヴィンスキー 4つの練習曲・グラズノフ ソナタ第1番 |
ラフマニノフ・ストラビンスキー・グラズノフ |
HTCA - 5005 |
(株)芸術教育企画 |
(株)ハイブライト |
日本クラウン(株) |
Evica |
ドイツ |
1967/11/2 |
2500 YEN BUY NOW Mother Earth co.,Ltd. |
Takahiro Sonoda Young Years 2 |
Collection of French music Sonoda played in his German years. We can have a glimpse of his vigorous young period through the concertos by Ravel and Saint-Saens, Etudes by Debussy and other piece.
ラヴェル ピアノ協奏曲・水の戯れ・ドビュッシー6つの練習曲・サン・サーンスピアノ協奏曲第4番 |
ラヴェル・サン=サーンス・ドビュッシイ |
HTCA - 5006 |
(株)芸術教育企画 |
(株)ハイブライト |
日本クラウン(株) |
Evica |
ドイツ |
1965/12/13 |
2500 YEN BUY NOW Mother Earth co.,Ltd. |
Takahiro sonoda Young Years 3 |
At Max RegerチT 100th anniversary concert, Sonoda played these transcendent Variations on the theme of Bach, together with his Silhouetten and Humoreske. This album was recorded after that at RIAS Broadcasting Station in Berlin.
レーガー バッハ変奏曲作品81・シューマン アレグロ作品8・花の曲・リスト こびとの踊り・ダンテソナタ |
レーガー・シューマン・リスト |
HTCA - 5007 |
(株)芸術教育企画 |
(株)ハイブライト |
日本クラウン(株) |
Evica |
ドイツ |
1976/11/1 |
2500 YEN BUY NOW Mother Earth co.,Ltd. |
Takahiro Sonoda Young Years 4 |
In Germany, Sonoda recorded many French pieces which he did not have much chance to play in Japan. This album is a collection of short pieces but we can perceive his manifold genius in Saint=Saens or in Poulenc.
フランク 前奏曲・フーガ・変奏曲 フォーレ 3つの即興曲 ドビュッシイ6つの練習曲第2巻・レントより遅く・2つのアラベスク ラヴェル水の戯れ・ソナチネ サンサーンス 練習曲 プーランク 無窮道 |
ラヴェル・ドビュッシイ・フォーレ他 |
HTCA - 5008 |
(株)芸術教育企画 |
(株)ハイブライト |
日本クラウン(株) |
Evica |
ドイツ |
1965/1/25 |
2500 YEN BUY NOW Mother Earth co.,Ltd. |
Beethoven 3 Great sonatas |
From SonodaチT second complete Beethoven recordings, 3 great sonatas are selected here. For the listeners who want to grasp SonodaチT Beethoven through single CD, this will be the one.
J.S.Bach Partitas |
At the serial concerts in 1985 commemorating the 300th anniversary of Bach, Sonoda played complete Partitas in one night. The performance is still highly praised as his best Bach comparable to his チ餮ell-Tempered Clavierチ・
Schumann Fantasy |
Fantasie is a piece Sonoda played most often among his beloved SchumannチT works. This grand-scale masterpiece was praised as チ駑usic permeates into the marrowチ・ Great performance of Sonoda in 1988 at his early period of the recording activities.
幻想曲 ハ長調 op.17・アラベスケ op.18・夜の曲 op.23・3幻想曲 op.111 |
シューマン |
ECD-40-006 |
(株)芸術教育企画 |
(株)芸術教育企画 |
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Evica |
バリオホール |
1988/5/4 |
2500 YEN BUY NOW Mother Earth co.,Ltd. |
実験工房の音楽 |
鈴木博義:フルート・ソロのための「2つの声」 武満 徹:遮られない休息 I 福島和夫:途絶えない詩 4.福島和夫:エカーグラ 5.湯浅譲二:内触覚的宇宙 6.鈴木博義:メタモルフォーズ 7.佐藤慶次郎:5つの短詩 8.武満 徹:ソン・カリグラフィ I & III 9.湯浅譲二:7人の奏者のためのプロジェクション |
鈴木博義・武満 徹・福島和夫・湯浅譲二・佐藤慶次郎 |
FOCD 3417 |
株式会社フォンテック |
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Fontec |
3059 YEN BUY NOW Mother Earth co.,Ltd. |
2004 MotherEarth Co., Ltd style="font-size:10pt:". |